This film is the remake of the same title back in 1972. Emma, John & Mari Collingwood. was heading out on vacation to their lake house. Mari then borrows the family car and drives into town to spend time with her friend Paige. They met Justin who passing through the town who invites them both back to his hotel room to smoke some weed.
Krug, Justin’s father, Francis, Justin’s uncle, and Sadie, Krug’s girlfriend, arrive and show Justin how how Sadie and Francis broke Krug out of police custody by killing 2 officers that were transporting him. They kidnaps Paige and Mari because they may jeopardize them. They stole their vehicle and plans to leave town. Trying to get to the highway, Mari convinces him to take a road that leads him to her parent’s lake house. Mari then attempts to jump out of the vehicle, but the ensuing fight amongst all the passengers causes Krug to crash into a tree.
They were angry by Mari’s attempts to escape, Sadie and Francis proceed to beat Mari as she crawls away from the wreckage. Krug attempts to teach his son to "be a man". When Justin refuses and Krug decides to rape Mari. Paige begins insulting him in order to get him to stop but that makes Krug to killed Paige. As Paige was dying Mari was raped by Krug. and she manages to escape from the sadistic group. As Mari was swimming away from them, she got shot.
A storm forces Krug and his gang to seek refuge at a home belonging to Mari's parents, John and Emma. Upon realizing that, Justin intentionally leaves a necklace Mari was wearing on the counter to alert them about their daughter. Mari was found by their parents barely alive on their porch. They realize that the people who did this to Mari are in their home. Mari's parents try to find key to their boat so they can take Mari to nearby hospital but they decided to take revenge to the sadistic group lead by Krug. Francis was attacked and killed by John and Emma. Justin was in possession of Krug’s gun so he gave the gun to John to killed Krug. Sadie was shot by Emma, John runs after Krug. With a combined effort from Emma, John, and Justin, Krug is knocked unconscious. John paralyzes Krug from the neck down, and leaves him to die with his head in an active microwave. Mari was taken to the boat to the local hospital.