Here we go again.....just like 2 years ago. Now everywhere you go, you sure can see they making use of the household name, Transformers to make more income to their business. Look at the petrol station, Petronas. Even they are using Transfomers to promote their business. Now if you are a fan of Transformers, you can purchase the Transformers Legend characters like Optimus Prime, Megatron, Bumblebee and Starscream for Rm15.90 that means Rm9 discount. Isn't that cool? Well, you better hurry to get it at Petronas while stock last. Here is the schedule of the Transformers you can buy. Bumblebee from 26th June, Starscream from July 5th, Megatron from July 12th and Optimus Prime from July 12th.