This lady is all the way from Japan. I really admired her because in today's world.....we still can find people like this lady who only survives through recycles and reusable stuffs and not only that, she's eating organic.

All of us who keep saying we still have a lot of resources left for our future but to tell you the truth, if we keep on harming the mother earth, I don't think so we still have much left for our future. In order to help mother earth, please recycles because we may be different in nationality but we all stay in the same earth.

No matter where we are, please do our part to save this nice mother earth for our future. I'm not asking everyone to do fully recycles but by stop using harming chemicals, plastics, papers and the lists keep going just to save our beautiful mother earth. I'll be celebrating earth day and I hope everyone doing their part. If this lady can do it so do we. Don't be selfish, make ourselves useful to help mother earth.