Friday, January 16, 2009

Decepticon Fracture

Dedicated to Megatron and the Decepticon cause, Decepticon Fracture is a dangerous enemy. She's totally fearless, and probably a little bit crazy, as she dives directly into any battle, regardless of the odds. Although she carries a powerful negative energy blaster, she prefers to use the seismic energy dischargers on her feet to smash the surrounding earth to pieces. Any battlefield on which she walks shudders wuth the force of her steps.

Flowers Of Spring

This year CNY theme for Sunway Pyramid is "Flowers Of Spring" I went there yesterday and I feel the day was already CNY. The way they decorated the whole place with the flowers. Well, the flowers of springs really makes everyone happy and look at the size of the flowers.

All's Well End's Well 2009 Angpow

All's Well End's Well 2009. This is another franchise movie. The movie will be launch during CNY. I can't wait to watch it and I went for a movie yesterday and I got something back, it's the All's Well End's Well red packet or angpow. Hehehehe too bad there's nothing inside.